To buy food for your monster go to gross-ery store on main street. (shown on map)
To buy furniture, wallpaper, flooring, windows, and doors go to yukea on main street you can also buy those things at DIY on sludge street.
To buy seeds to catch moshlings go to seed cart on main street.
To buy decorations go to bizarre bazaar on main street.
To buy clothes go to market place on sludge street.
To sell items you don't want any more go to dodgy dealz on sludge street.
To dress up your monster go to your dress up room.
To play games go to moshi fun park or puzzle palace at puzzle palace you can earn rox (money) at moshi fun park you can not earn rox. Also you can play games at
ice-scream, (on oh la lane) engen, (on main street) flutterby field, (on main street) and when you click on the monsters that are having a picnic you can play moshling boshling (on main street)
To look at art work go to googenheim art gallery on oh la lane.
To read what is going on in moshi monsters go to the daily growl on main street or click on news at the top of the screen.
You will find all your items you buy in the treasure chest under the map. The clothes you buy will noy be at the treasure chest they will be at your dress up room.
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